One Sunday afternoon belonged again to the class of such strange incidents. The locals have a very intriguing mindset, but it’s difficult to truly reach them. That day we got a little closer to their culture by eating pancakes with neighbors and drinking local moonshine rakı. The ‘winter’ here had just passed and there was …
Listening to Marie Forleo’s B-School module today made me to philosophize about life. Why do I do what I do? What’s the reason behind it? And what are the reasons behind my dreams, those big why’s? Do your actions have deeper motivations? Often people look at our family’s lifestyle and way of living and ask …
Kuulasin täna Marie Forleo B-Schooli moodulit ja selle ülesanne pani mind natuke elu üle filosofeerima. Miks ma teen seda, mida ma teen? Mis on selle põhjus? Ja mis on mu unistuste põhjused, need miksid? Kas Sinu tegevustel on sügavamad põhjused? Tihtilugu vaadatakse meie pere elustiili ja eluviisi ja küsitakse – kuidas? Ma ei tea isegi …
As you all already know, it was quite a surprise for us when our eldest daughter, Indy Mari, informed us on a summer evening in 2021, at the age of three, that she was going to have a sister from Tartu to help with cleaning. She will arrive on 8th. And a little later she …
Nagu te kõik juba varasemast teate, siis oli see meile paras üllatus kui vanim tütar Indy Mari 2021 suveõhtul meile teatas toona kolmeaastasena, et temal tuleb Tartust õde appi koristama, kaheksandal ja veidi hiljem ütles, et tema nimi on Elistin. Naistepäeval saigi meie väike Eli kaheseks, kuid kaks aastat tagasi püüdsin ma esilekutsumisest kõrvale laveerida …
A month has already passed since my next annual cycle – on February 3, level 3.5 came to an end, and I am now stepping into the 36th. The previous year has encompassed a lot of new experiences and self-transcendence, but also tremendous heartache that hijacked all my focus. I went through my photos from …
Kuu aega juba on möödunud mu järgmisest aastaringist – 3. veebruaril sai level 3.5 läbi ja tatsan nüüd 36ndat. Vanasse aastaringi on mahtunud tegelikult väga palju uusi kogemusi ja eneseületust, aga ka tohutut südamevalu, mis kogu mu fookuse röövis. Vaatasin läbi oma möödunud aasta pilte. Nagu seegi kord, oli mul õnn oma elu uut aastat …
Arriving in Crete in early November, the weather was surprisingly summery: well over twenty degrees Celsius, and the sea water was still surprisingly warm. Just like the Estonian pleasant summer! However, instead of enjoying this warmth, we had to spend time within the hospital walls. We went swimming a lot with the kids and spent …
Novembri alguses Kreetale jõudes olid ilmad päris suvised: tublisti üle kahekümne kraadi sooja ja merevesigi oli veel üllatavalt soe. Täpselt nagu meie mõnus suvi! Aga sellest soojas suves tuli meil hoopiski minna aega veetma haigla seinte vahele. Käisime lastega palju ujumas ja veetsime rannas aega. Ühtäkki märkasime, et mida kauem Indy merevees aega veetis ja …
I am putting this story in writing to share it with our doctor from the beginning of Indy’s story, and at the same time, I am sharing it with you all: perhaps someone will have a thought, a connection, an experience, and maybe you can help contribute to our thoughts. To start from the beginning, …