Your old life is over, and you don’t even know what to wish for when it comes to a new one. The old ways no longer serve you, but a new life is waiting to be created! I’ve been reflecting on this and trying to bring some clarity to these matters. Maybe these thoughts and questions can help you too!
I’m sitting here outside a house in Greece, trying to figure out what’s next. Who am I? Who do I want to be? What do I want to do? What do I truly want to make of my life? How can I align myself with a fresh beginning?
On the last full moon night, I couldn’t sleep at all. Every time I closed my eyes, waves of new ideas and thoughts rushed into my mind. I kept grabbing my phone and typing them into my notes.
I want to completely redesign my life—but how? That’s when it struck me: I need to invent a system for myself to make it happen. If it works, maybe I’ll share it with others too.
That night, one big question kept echoing in my mind: What do I really want? The answer? I crave bravery! I’ve been too timid and reserved. Putting myself and my thoughts out there for others to see takes so much courage. “Craving for bravery. Free and freedom, no limits,” were the words that appeared from nowhere. “Me, Maria & I. And our fam. Hey, it’s me, Maria.” Reinvention. Starting from scratch. After everything—after kids and building a family—who am I, and what do I want? “Craving for bravery—let’s go for it!” What have I missed the most? Courage! I’ve been so shy, and stepping out takes tremendous bravery for me. Standing up for myself—that’s what’s been holding me back.
Another realization hit me like a thunderbolt: Don’t stay where you aren’t respected, where your efforts aren’t appreciated.
And now here I sit, trying to figure out what’s next. The old things and ideas no longer serve me. To figure out what I want in life, I first need to confront what I don’t want. I don’t want aimless wandering, lack of purpose, extra weight, too much wine, chaos, lack of discipline, no plan, confusion, timidity, or self-criticism.
Now, I need to replace all those things I don’t want with something I do want.
Aimless wandering. What to do about it? I need to figure out what’s truly important in my life so I can set a new direction.
Imagine the life you’d want to live 1, 5, or 10 years from now. What would make you happy and fulfilled? What activities bring you joy and energize you? By asking these questions, I can move on to the next issue—lack of purpose—and start creating one for myself.
I’m already addressing the extra 10+ kilograms I gained from inactivity and low spirits. With a change of environment and mood, I’ve been fully enjoying moving my body again and eating fresh, nutritious local food. I’ve already dropped over three kilos. And then, as if by magic, I saw a cool workout on social media—check out Leo Moves if you’re curious. I started it today. If I stay consistent, I think I can regain my strength and maybe, for the first time in my life, even get in shape. As for wine, I’m already drinking less, and I believe that once I align my mindset and goals, it’ll decrease even further.
Chaos and lack of discipline. No plan, no clarity. If I can figure out where I want to be in five years and what kind of life I want to live, I can make a plan for myself. With a plan, the lack of clarity will fade, and by following it, I can practice discipline. Sounds like a plan!
How to eliminate timidity and self-criticism? I need to revisit the book I wrote and remind myself of what I’ve already learned! I’ve covered these topics there in depth. Action dispels fear, and acting despite timidity builds courage and boldness. Facing fear is a decision. The more you act, the braver you become. When setbacks happen, stay positive. Always think about your WHY. Your WHY—your reasons for acting, your greater goals—gives you strength and motivates you to move forward. Confidence comes from acts of courage. Writing this and sharing my thoughts is already a courageous act, but I enjoy reflecting and putting my ideas into words. Maybe it’ll spark ideas for someone else too. You can find my book here: . To celebrate my upcoming birthday, I’m offering a better price—use the code wonderful for 37% off!
Just sitting down to write these thoughts brought me so much more clarity. Let this be the first chapter—what you don’t like in life, what you don’t want in your life, and how to find the answers and solutions to those things so you can move forward. Now it’s my turn to grab a pen and paper, dive deeper into these questions, set goals, and create a plan!
Soon, I’ll step into a new chapter at level 3.7, and by that time, I want my head to be clear, my mind focused, my plans in place, and my actions aligned with building my future. In fact, I’m already doing it! Nice!
There’s magic in Greece: I was scrolling through yesterday’s hiking photos on my phone, and I noticed something blue. Can you guess what it was in those photos?

Previously, I discussed how to transform your life completely. Since then, I’ve gained even more inspiration, and I want to share another thought with you here!
What do I believe in, and what do I think about life? What do I want from it? How many silly beliefs do we blindly follow? Take money-making, for instance—how many people say it’s hard? In reality, that’s just a belief, and you have the power to choose a different perspective. A better perspective that supports your life, one you can genuinely begin to believe in, just as you once believed in your old views about money.
How do you change the thought that earning money is hard? For me, I’d adopt the mindset that it’s an exciting challenge! A challenge that tests me and pushes me out of my comfort zone.
Find evidence to support your new belief. The simplest way is to look for role models. Look for proof that someone already thinks this way and has achieved results. If someone in your desired field has been successful, follow them and try to understand what kind of beliefs they might live by. Use them as an example. As soon as you realize that, contrary to your old beliefs, it’s possible to think differently, you’ll begin to find more and more evidence in life to support your new perspective.
The most important thing is to understand what you truly want from life. Imagine your ideal daily life. If you don’t know what you want, it’s impossible to achieve it. But if you focus and truly visualize it, at least you’ll know what you’re striving for. You don’t need to know how to achieve it yet, but you do need to know what you want. That’s the big key! Once you’ve figured that out, life will start throwing opportunities your way. Stop believing that things have to stay the way they are right now!