One evening, we decided to head south—enough with all the procrastination! This time, we brought a trailer along with the bikes. What we packed, how much money we spent on the road, how the journey went, where we stayed, how to manage traveling with kids, and much more can be found in the following post. …
Ühel õhtul me hakkasime lihtsalt lõuna poole sõitma, sest noh, aitab sellest venitamisest! Sedakorda tuli järelkäru koos tsiklitega ka kaasa. Mida kaasa pakkisime, palju raha teel kulus, kuidas teekond kulges, kus ööbisime, kuidas lastega teel majandada ja kõike muud leiab alljärgnevast postitusest. Kui reaalsuses unistasime, et saame startida lõuna poole novembri algul, siis päris elu …
The situation outside is unbelievably bleak! September and October were quite beautiful, but these last few dreadful days have had me actively digging up memories of Greece and making new plans. I just can’t bear this slushy, dark time here. The snow came down. The kids are thrilled because they haven’t had the chance to …
When I wrote last year that we left the island because, as mainlanders, the island felt stifling, this time it was completely different! We couldn’t leave!Written on 31.03.2024 I don’t want to pack! I don’t want to no longer be able to buy fresh bread from the local bakery in the mornings! I don’t want …
Eelmises postituses jäime pooleli sellega, et maabusime mandrile ja saime osa liivatormist. Olime juba kaks ööd teinud nö wild campimist ja maru tore oli, otsustasime jätkata ja valisime suvaliselt kaardilt järgmise koha. Nafplio lähedal leidsime imelise vaikse rannaäärse koha, kuhu jäime peatuma suisa kolmeks ööks. Linna servast ühest toredast ehitusmaterjalide- ja kodukaupade poest saime väärt …