Olgem ausad, kui meie saare kliinikumi arst meile teatas, et ta sooviks, et me temaga koos ühel Ateena tohtrite visiidil käiksime lisaarvamust saamas, ei olnud ma südames selle üle sugugi õnnelik. Mu sisetunne ütles, et ega sealt midagi head ei tule – veelgi suurem riiklik haigla ja puudub personaalne lähenemine, arvasin. Miks ma siis läksin? …
Arriving in Crete in early November, the weather was surprisingly summery: well over twenty degrees Celsius, and the sea water was still surprisingly warm. Just like the Estonian pleasant summer! However, instead of enjoying this warmth, we had to spend time within the hospital walls. We went swimming a lot with the kids and spent …
I am putting this story in writing to share it with our doctor from the beginning of Indy’s story, and at the same time, I am sharing it with you all: perhaps someone will have a thought, a connection, an experience, and maybe you can help contribute to our thoughts. To start from the beginning, …
One day, my eyes were so swollen that it was difficult to even look outside. My soul had accumulated so many emotions that one evening I simply burst into tears from the depths of my heart until midnight. The most challenging thing in the world is to witness the suffering of your daughter without being …