Novembri alguses Kreetale jõudes olid ilmad päris suvised: tublisti üle kahekümne kraadi sooja ja merevesigi oli veel üllatavalt soe. Täpselt nagu meie mõnus suvi! Aga sellest soojas suves tuli meil hoopiski minna aega veetma haigla seinte vahele. Käisime lastega palju ujumas ja veetsime rannas aega. Ühtäkki märkasime, et mida kauem Indy merevees aega veetis ja …
I am putting this story in writing to share it with our doctor from the beginning of Indy’s story, and at the same time, I am sharing it with you all: perhaps someone will have a thought, a connection, an experience, and maybe you can help contribute to our thoughts. To start from the beginning, …
Ma panen selle jutu siin kirja sellepärast, et meie arstile rääkida kogu Indy lugu algusest peale ja ühtlasi jagan ma seda ka teiega: äkki kellelgi tekib mingi mõte, mingi seos, on mingi kogemus ja võibolla oskate aidata kaasa mõelda. Et alustada algusest, peame me tagasi liikuma 2022-2023 aastavahetusse, kui me alustasime oma eelmist reisi Kreekasse. …
One day, my eyes were so swollen that it was difficult to even look outside. My soul had accumulated so many emotions that one evening I simply burst into tears from the depths of my heart until midnight. The most challenging thing in the world is to witness the suffering of your daughter without being …
Mu silmad olid üks päev nii paistes, et raske oli välja näha. Mu sisse on kogunenud nii palju emotsioone, et ühel õhtul ma lihtsalt poole ööni lahistasin südamest nutta. Maailma kõige raskem asi on näha oma tütre kannatusi ilma et sina emana saaksid teda kuidagi füüsiliselt aidata. Nüüd on juba kaheksa kuud täis. Ma arvan, …
In English below… Kolmapäeva varahommikul peame Indyga lendama siit Kreetalt Ateenasse suurde haiglasse. Siinsest ülikooli haiglast tuleb doktor samuti kaasa ja läheme suurema konsiiliumi ette Indy teemat arutama, sest selgust pole meil tänaseni. Kui pole teemaga kursis, siis meie lugu algas siin Mis vahepeal toimunud on ja kuidas Kreetal lapsega haiglas olla on, sellest …
One day was filled with strange energy and unique meetings – I am still somehow startled, enchanted, and surprised. Had an immediate feeling that I must share all of this with you, as it was quite a mystical experience here in this foreign land! Today is Friday, which means a market day for us. We …
Eesti keeles lugemiseks keri allapoole During the past season, in addition to a solo motorcycle trip in Romania, I engaged in several events that were entirely new and far outside my comfort zone. One autumn day, for example, I found myself at the starting line of my very first enduro race! I don’t know what …
Eesti keeles lugemiseks keri allapoole 😉 The next morning, I calmly went for breakfast. I had no desire to go to the motorcycle because I didn’t know its condition and what would happen next. There was a light tremor in my soul because this time I had no shoulder to lean on, and I could …
Eestikeelse teksti leiad inglise keelse teksti alt – keri allapoole 😉 I was currently listening to a year-end lecture by trainer Peep Vain, and his question about the highlight of the past year reminded me that I have a story written but left completely untold! The first solo motorcycle trip of my life from last …